Thursday, May 14, 2009

Emphasizing Your Customer

I can't tell you how many web sites or printed advertising materials I have seen that completely miss the point of advertising in the first place. We see a picture of the building, the company owner, read a history of the business, etc. But very little time is spent the most important aspect - letting the customer know the benefits they will receive by using the company product or service.

Most people have very little time these days. You have a few seconds at best to capture their attention and let them know how you can solve a problem for them. For example, see the differences in the following:

First: "Our company has been making energy efficient windows for over 25 years."

Second: "Save money by replacing your old windows with new energy efficient windows."

The second catches the reader's attention by letting them know exactly why they benefit from buying energy efficient windows from you.

When designing any kind of advertising material, be sure to emphasize the benefit to the customer first.

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