Friday, February 20, 2009

Gotta Get Away!

This is something I really struggle with. Especially since I work at home. It is just too easy to become consumed with the business. I can walk into the office at any time and work, work, work.

Do I have to say that this is NOT a good thing?

I have had to make a conscious effort to take time off during the week, as well as plan short vacation times away. I have even come to look forward to those times when we go off camping and the computer is left behind! Much as I love what I do, I have to get away from it sometimes.

Have you ever had a problem that you couldn't figure out, gone off, had some coffee, taken a walk and then come back to find the solution staring you in the face? The same principle applies to running our businesses. You have to have time away from the business to run it really well. Getting away, even if it is just for a few hours while you read a book, take a nap, go to the spa, can give you a whole new perspective.

Coming soon - interviews with business owners talking about their experiences and how they are dealing with the slow economy.

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