Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Working With People

Because I sell services to other businesses, I have had to think of ways to work with other business owners who may be struggling in these tough times.

Under typical economic conditions, I ask for a certain amount of money before beginning a web site and then invoice for the rest of the project when the web site is up and running. In certain cases lately, though, I have relaxed those requirements just a bit. I still ask for some money upfront, but I have negotiated with a couple of clients to allow them to make several payments over time after project completion, instead of asking for the remaining amount in a lump sum. Is it a risk? Yes! But what isn't in business? I believe having some money coming in is better than none. I also believe that if you treat people well, you will build a long-lasting relationship with them. I decide payment requirements on a case by case basis, after speaking with the client or potential client first. (Note: any payment requirements should be in a written contract signed by all involved parties. Work with people, yes. But don't be foolish.)

Another way to work with other businesses is to barter. Now, this gets tricky and the agreement should be in writing, but bartering is certainly a viable way for each business owner to get something he or she needs.

1 comment:

  1. I agree working with clients on workable payment solutions is the way to do business. Barter is also a effective solution in this environment.

    David Wolf
