Wednesday, January 5, 2011

5 Steps Toward Resolving Customer Complaints

Where are we without customers and clients? Out of business, that's where. The ability to relate to our customers is second only to our product or service. Our product or service fills a need or solves a problem for customers, but it doesn't stop there. We have to keep our customers engaged, informed, and satisfied.

Below are five steps to take when dealing with customer complaints:

1. Listen, listen, listen. If a customer is calling to complain about something, listen first. Don't try to think ahead to come up with an answer. Simply listen.

2. When a customer needs help with a problem, repeat your understanding of the situation - out loud - to your customer. Discern the exact nature of the complaint.

3. Ask questions. Customers want to be heard. By asking questions and taking complaints seriously, you have won half the battle.

4. Offer solutions. Give customers a choice of options.

5. Console the customer. Offer a discount on a future purchase, something of value for free, or otherwise give the customer some type of additional compensation.

Treat customer complaints as a way to improve your business. When customers experience difficulties with your product or service, it gives you an opportunity to think about how the problem could have been avoided in the first place.

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