Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Remember the Faithful - It's Good Business Sense

Most businesses have a loyal group of customers who stick with them through thick and thin. They were won over a long time ago. They wouldn't dream of going anywhere else for the product or service. Or, would they?

In the rush to find new customers, small business owners often forget to reward their devoted customers for staying with them. In truth, it is much more cost-efficient to sell to existing customers than it is to search for new.

Loyal customers will leave if they feel unappreciated. Have you ever offered special deals and restricted them to "new customers only?" Have you rewarded returning customers in some way to compensate? If not, say goodbye to some of the faithful.

A few excellent ways to keep current customers happy include:
* Hold customer appreciation sales
* Conduct customer satisfaction surveys
* Talk to your customers

That last one may seem obvious. You probably talk to your active customers quite often. Engaging your customers in conversations about additional products or services they would like to see you offer and asking for suggestions about ways to improve your business can be of great benefit. You expose yourself to new ideas and your customers become part of your business family. It's a win-win!

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