Friday, January 7, 2011

Forward or Backward?

"In the business world, the rear-view mirror is always clearer than the windshield." -- Warren Buffett

Is that ever true! We know exactly what we "should have" done, but don't know exactly how to go on from there. Still, there is something to be learned in those "should have" dones, as well as in those "should not have" dones. Perhaps the path to the future is staring at us out of the past.

Small business is not just about finding the right product, service, or business model. Successful entrepreneurs have more than a few things in common. Drive, determination, and a willingness to take risks are a few. Another skill that most have in common is the ability to look at those "should" and "shouldn't" haves and perceive the road ahead. Learning from mistakes as well as successes often teaches us the most beneficial way to move forward.

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