Monday, January 3, 2011

Too Much of a Good Thing

We all have the best intentions when we start a small business. I absolutely loved learning about programming and designing and becoming a successful web designer. After 10 years of designing web sites, however, I had a significant burn out. I was definitely not in love with web design any longer. There was one part of the web site building process I was still in love with, though. That was the writing part. Writing content had always been part of the territory. As I enjoyed designing less, I loved writing more. Writing had always been a passion, so it was like returning to my first love, in a way.

Moral of the story? Once your business becomes more of a burden than a joy, it might be time to think about moving on to something else.

And,in case you noticed, I didn't update this blog at any time during the year 2010. Let's just say that, for me, 2010 was not a year to remember!

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